Baseball is long over
Baseball ended in June, but I never got around to posting the pictures.
Landin played for the Giants, and had a great season. His team was undefeated, and they had a lot of fun. 
Towards the end of the season, we had a few nice storms, and the kids ended up playing in the pouring rain a couple of times. 
The end of the year party was at a local pizza place, and I made a cake and some baseball cupcakes to celebrate. 
It was tough for us to get too into baseball this season because it ran at the exact same time as soccer - - and well... you know where our family loyalty lies when it comes to sports. This may be Landin's last year playing little league if the seasons overlap each year... its just too much to take on! At any rate, we are very proud of our little baseball ALL-STAR!
Oh, and one last bragging point on Landin's baseball season (as if I can take any credit for any of Landin's athleticism) - - In the last game of the year Landin had a triple play while playing second base!
It was freakin' awesome!!
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