My future's so bright, I've got to wear shades!
My camera died two weeks ago, so I've been remiss in capturing the wonderfulness that has been taking place the last few weeks. Suffice to say it has been incredibly beautiful here and we have had a fun packed summer.
The weather has been SO warm and the kids have taken full advantage of it. Every day after I get off work we've been heading down the hill to the lake behind our house (Round Lake) and jumping right in the water for a swim. With a sandy beach and warm water Round Lake has been a haven for the kids as they are learning to swim. Even Mazlow has been jumping right in and splashing around.
The warm weather has also found the boys jumping out on the trampoline wearing next-to-nothing. It's common to find them running from one play-thing in the yard to the next; from trampoline to basketball court, from soccer field to hammock, from tire swing to riding their bikes... What a life!
The boys have fully embraced the North Idaho way of life, and are especially enjoying our garden as well, which is bursting with fresh lettuce, peas, beans, squash, tomatoes, corn, peppers, broccoli, onions, and berries of all sorts. I'll post some pictures of the garden soon.
So come and visit before the dog-days of summer are gone.