Raising Our 3 Sons

This is a blog about raising three boys in Northern Idaho, from the perspective of a Mom and a Dad, with occasional posts from the boys themselves.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Landin's Soccer Picture Day

Last year, Landin's soccer team earned a reputation for not only their skills on the field, but also for their HAIR. Yep, their hair. They were the "team with the blue spiky hair". Well, that was last year, when the boys' team color was blue. This year, it's green. But the boys didn't disappoint, and lived up to their reputation showing-up for picture day with green-hair-galore! Landin's hair is too long these days to spike-up, but we got creative with the green spiker gel and he was representing with all kinds of green on Saturday. In fact, the whole team was. Anyone who showed-up to pictures on Saturday without green in their hair was promptly sent over to see me (Color-Gel Stylist Extraordinaire) to receive their green do. All the kids were in to it, even the two girls on the team. So the question we always get from the other teams (mostly from the parents after our team whomps on their kids' team) - - "Does the hair gel make them play better?" And the answer is, "Maybe." All joking aside, it does make them feel like they are a part of something special, and unique, and it rallies them together. And in the end, they DO whomp on the other teams they play, so perhaps, (just perhaps), we're on to something.


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