Ryder's First Day of School EVER!
Today Ryder started school.
Before moving to Idaho from California, Ryder had a full time in-home nanny (Nelly) that he spent his days with, so he's never been to a preschool or Day Care. He was SO excited to be starting school. It was all he could talk about for weeks.
Ryder woke-up at 6am this morning (early for the boy who prefers to sleep in until 9 or 10am). He came into our bedroom and quietly asked with a smile on his face, "Do I get to go to school today?"
"Yahhhhhhh!" was his response when we told him that yes, today was the day. So today was the big day!
We dropped off Landin at school and then headed into town where Ryder's new school, Little Lambs Preschool, is located. The church pastor greeted us as we entered school, and Ryder was really shy. But then he saw his classroom - TOYS GALORE! Ryder met his teacher, Miss Jan, hung his backpack in his cubby, and took off to play with the puppets.
I grabbed a shot of him coloring with some of the other kids and then it was time for us all to be off.
Ryder waved goodbye and didn't seem to mind one bit that we were leaving him there, in the care of a stranger... not a tear, not a complaint... my baby boy growing up!

Ryder had such a wonderful time at school and was so pooped out from all the fun, that he promptly fell asleep in the car on the ride home.
When he woke up from his nap he was all smiles and excitedly shared the details of his first day with us.
I'm so glad that it all went well, while a part of me is sad that he's already to that place in his life where he is excited to be away from home. What a blessing though! I remember back to Landin's first experiences with preschool (which he started at the ripe old age of 2) and am so thankful we are not dealing with that all again (Landin was expelled from his first two preschools for biting). I'm sure, knowing our Ryder, that we will make our fair share of trips to the Principal's office - but for now, I'm just reveling in the fact that my baby Ryder is a school boy. They grow-up way too fast.
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