Little Whizzer
You know it's a good party when you break-out the "Little Whizzer"!
For Brice's 21st Birthday he got the "Little Whizzer," a battery-operated alcohol dispenser in the shape of a boy peeing from a pedestal (in a classy, artsy kind of depiction - okay, not so classy, but art-like).
So during the party, at some point, we decide to break-out the "Little Whizzer" which hasn't seen the light of day for years, but I had just happen to come across it when getting out decorations for Brice's party.
Brice fills it with some scary liquor and promises the first shot to his friend Jason, but alas - - the Little Whizzer has stage fright. Jason and Brice believe the issue to be one of batteries, and swiftly change the double-A's, but to no avail. So, Jason (AKA Mr. Fix It) goes at the Little Whizzer with a screwdriver and a headlamp (remember the room was lit by candlelight), which was a sight to see in itself. In the end, the Little Whizzer never did get over his stage fright.
But that didn't stop Brice and the boys from up-ending Little Whizzer and pouring his contents into shot glasses anyways. You gotta love the Little Whizzer!
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