Happy 2nd Birthday Mazlow!!!!
It's hard to believe that Mazlow is 2. It seems like just yesterday when he was a baby in our arms, and soon he'll be a big brother!
With Beckham due any day now, this may be the last year that Mazlow celebrates a birthday that is truly his own. With his brother's big day just days from his, I imagine we will look to ways to combine their celebrations. But this year, Mazzy didn't have to share the spotlight with anyone. He lived it up and enjoyed his Birthday party to the fullest. I'm glad we got the chance to do this special party for him before the baby was born - - I think it really meant a lot to him. 
On the morning of his big day, Mazlow finally mastered the answer to "How old is Mazzy?" ... He would hold up one finger on each hand and bring them together in front of his face and he drawled out the word "ttwwwoooooooo". Too cute was what it was! 
In celebration of the fact that Mazlow was born on St. Patrick's Day, we finished the day with a dinner of corned beef and cabbage (prepared by my dear girlfriends Jenn and Nicole who swept in after the party and cleaned and cooked so that I could recover from the party). It was the perfect ending to the perfect birthday for Mazlow!
Happy 2nd Birthday Mazlow! We Love you!!
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