Raising Our 3 Sons

This is a blog about raising three boys in Northern Idaho, from the perspective of a Mom and a Dad, with occasional posts from the boys themselves.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Field Day at Southside Elementary School

Friday was Field Day at Landin's School. This is an all day event where each teacher sponsors an "event" like a race, parachute play, egg carry, dress-up relay, sack race, etc., and then the classes rotate through the stations competing against one another.

Landin is a fierce competitor, so these kinds of events have their ups and downs. He LOVES to do sports, and will challenge anyone to anything... but he HATES to loose. We are working a lot on this, but its an uphill battle. Landin is very talented, and he hasn't experienced "loosing" to often. We are trying our best to prepare him for the eventuality that many of the other kids will catch-up to him in terms of athletic ability, and he WILL have to share the spotlight.

At any rate, he had a blast playing all the games. I headed over to the school in the morning for the first bit, and then Brice came over to watch the rest.

Here are some great shots of Landin and his friends playing. Just look at the intensity on his face!


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