You've read of Ryder's infamous first soccer season several times on this blog already - - and here's one more for the record books...
Ryder, the same kid whose feet were glued to the ground last week during the soccer game, decided this past week to actually run during the game, and at least try to touch the ball. Low and behold - - Ryder was in there, kicking the ball, chasing after it, and running into kids. Next thing you know - BAM - the ball is rolling off Ryder's foot and into the goal. GOOOOAAALLLL!Nevermind that it was his own teams' goal. Nevermind that he shot the ball at one of his best girlfriends who was playing goalie for his own team. No, nevermind those things. Ryder scored a goal. His foot kicked a ball that went into a goal - fair and square... And for that, we are so proud of him.
When Ryder was feeling bad about scoring on his own team, we reminded him that Landin's very first goal was scored on his own team as well - and look at him now. We rationalized with Ryder (our thinker) that now he knew how to score a goal, and next time, he would be able to do into the other teams net. He thought that made good sense, and instead of being sad, started to celebrate his goal. He wanted to call his grandparents and tell them all about his goal he scored. And whenever the phone rang, he insisted we tell whomever it was that he had scored a goal (a bunch of telemarketers expressed their excitement for Ryder).
The nicest part was that his team didn't hold it against him either. In fact, they celebrated right along with him. His teammate Ainsley was so proud of him she posed for this picture with him, holding his hand - and for that one moment in time - Ryder was a Soccer Champion!
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