Happy 8th Birthday to LANDIN!
On October 5th, 1998, Landin Dean Filippini was born into this world - and on October 5th, 2006, Landin celebrated his 8th birthday at his home in Idaho with Mom, Dad, Ryder, and Mazlow. Since we had a big party in the works for the following day, we opted for a quite family celebration on Landin's "real birthday"... so I baked him up a chocolate cupcake, and we enjoyed dinner at home, followed by presents!
Landin got a bunch of cool games (his favorites were his new SceneIt! Jr. Edition, and his Pirates of the Caribbean Limited Edition Chess and Checkers set), some slick soccer clothes,
and the the one thing he wanted more than anything else: HEELYS! (Regular looking skate shoes with hidden wheels in the heels so you can zoom around on flat ground).
Landin was stoked with all his gifts and headed off to bed with dreams of the big birthday celebration that he knew was in the works for the next day...
Happy Birthday Mr. 8-year old! We couldn't be more proud of you!
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