Raising Our 3 Sons

This is a blog about raising three boys in Northern Idaho, from the perspective of a Mom and a Dad, with occasional posts from the boys themselves.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mazzy's Ho Ho Ho!

Mazlow doesn't talk yet. Yes, he says the normal "mama" and "dada," and says "ball" and "no," but that is about it. He's sharp as a tack though when it comes to communicating what he wants and can follow verbal instructions better than any of our other kids can (we'll see how long that lasts!).

This is all set-up for the fact that even though Mazzy can't really speak yet, he has nailed an important Christmas saying - - "Ho Ho Ho!" If you ask Mazlow what Santa says, he'll give you a boisterous ho ho ho, and sometimes if he sees a Santa or hears us talking about Santa, he'll give us a ho ho ho just to let us know he's paying attention.

Of course, it's harder to get kids to do these kind of "tricks" on demand, but here is what I was able to capture with my digital camera last night:


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