Ryder's Christmas Gifts!
Ryder was so worried before Christmas because when he sat on Santa's lap he had forgot to tell him that he really wanted a bike. Brice and I assured Ryder that we had passed the message on to Santa, but Ryder was still unsure.
The last thing he asked us before he went to bed on Christmas Eve was, "Are you sure you told Santa that I wanted a bike for Christmas?"
When Ryder came downstairs on Christmas morning, a bright green and yellow John Deere bike was waiting there for him with a big red bow! He loved the bike, and was excited to see that Santa had also delivered the Superman laptop that he had been eyeing in the toy store. Ryder's other favorite gifts included his remote control car, his snow jacket, Superman Returns and Veggie Tales DVDs, a DVD game, and a fingerpainting set.
Merry Christmas Ryder!
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