The Santa Twins
Landin had his big performance last Thursday. He played Santa in his school play. But this was an original play, and there wasn’t just one Santa.
The play was called The Santa Twins, and was the story of a classroom that was putting on a Christmas Play where there were two boys who came ready to play Santa. They go through all the reasons why there can only be one Santa, and put it to a class vote to see which one of them will play Santa. They weigh and measure them (they are equally fat and heavy), they test their Ho Ho Ho and Christmas Caroling abilities (equal again), and they go down the list of good deeds each has done this season (a dead tie). So then a telegram arrives from Santa which declares that during the rush of delivering gifts every year Santa sometimes wishes he had a twin to help him out – and thus, The Santa Twins are named. It is agreed that they both will play Santa in the school play since four hands are better than two.Landin and his best friend Mitchell (you might recall they have the same birthday) are naturally competitive in ever area (sports, girls, and everything else) – so when the teacher read this play, she told Mitchell’s mom and I that Landin and Mitchell immediately came to mind. So Nicole and I spent one evening last week sewing two identical Santa cotumes for the boys.
They looked adorable, and they nailed their lines. The play was quite good, and Landin’s teacher deserves a nice pat on the back for her creativity in putting together the play when every other class settled for a Christmas carol. We were really proud of Landin and his whole class.
I filmed the play and will post it here as soon as I can figure out how to download it off my video camera (hopefully this week). Until then, you’ll just have to imagine Landin delivering lines like, “I got here first, I know my lines, and I can say them too!” and “My relatives are coming tonight, and if I don’t play Santa Clause they’ll want their money back.” Priceless.
All the kids in the class had great costumes too... here are some pictures:
Landin and his newest lady-friend... and Landin and his buddy who played a clown.
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