Costume Party - Halloween 2006
Our friends Jennifer and Jason hosted an adults-only Halloween Costume Party on Saturday, so Brice and I suited-up and headed-out to party.
Brice was Hercules this year, and I was Venus - The Goddess of Love (knocked-up by Hercules)...
I was still feeling awful on Saturday evening, but couldn't miss the big party - - I knew Jenn had worked really hard getting the house decorated scary and all the spooky food ready, so I just couldn't miss it! We shared a babysitter with Eric and Nicole and headed off to the party.
It was so great to see everybody dressed-up! Jennifer was a gorgeous witch and Jason was a sexually provocative catholic priest (sorry no photos - boo hoo).
Eric was dressed up as a "cereal killer" and Nicole was masquerading as "Static Cling" (Clearly they are the most creative of our bunch)... Tawnya (my pregnant buddy) was a lovely Mardi Gras mama, while her husband Adam was an amazingly convincing Frankenstein.
The more pumpkin beers Brice and the boys drank, the more "Hercules" was teased about looking more like a gay biker - - or "gay-diator" (especially with the facial hair configuration he had shaved especially for the costume).
Even with the teasing of Brice and my stomach pain that relegated me to a chair by the fire for the night, it was a fabulous party and a good time was had by all! Thanks Jennifer and Jason!!
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