Raising Our 3 Sons

This is a blog about raising three boys in Northern Idaho, from the perspective of a Mom and a Dad, with occasional posts from the boys themselves.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reasons I'm so lame...And you can all say "I told you so"

I just re-read my last post... I'm so lame. I spoke (wrote) that post too soon. Who the hell did I think I was declaring myself healed? I know I went to college for 6-years, but clearly, I learned about being a spin doctor, NOT a medical doctor.

So the bottom line is I'm back on bedrest, eating my humble pie, and letting Brice (and everyone else who insisted I really needed more rest) say "I told you so." UGH!

So I was feeling great midweek last week, thinking this whole thing was yesterday's news. My mom reminds me now (sarcastically) "oh yes, you had every right to take yourself off of bedrest, after all you were feeling kind of better for what - 2 or 3 whole days, right?" Ok Ok, it sounds absurd to me too now... but at the time it was a completely rational thought (at least for me). [sigh]

I went trick-or-treating on Halloween, I worked from the Starbucks in town and did some house cleaning on Wednesday, I went to my girls night Bunko game on Thursday, and then it hit me. Laying in bed on Thursday night I thought I was going to die again. The same stomach pain, wrenching my gut. So I take some of the pain medication that they gave me when I left the hospital (I'd only taken it twice since I'd been home). That didn't work. I barely slept on Thursday night, then woke up on Friday with what I was pretty sure was strep throat. Back to square one.

I took it easy over the weekend, not even leaving the house, but by Monday, I was still feeling awful. I went back to the doc on Monday night, and got some antibiotics for my throat (which have just now kicked in and its Thursday) and the earache I also picked-up over the weekend. My immune system has gone to hell, and now I'm in catch up mode trying to do whatever I can to get healthy. Yes, everything, including the good 'ol bed rest.

So I've removed pretty much all the activity from my daily routine, and while I'm still working, its really just my brain and finger muscles I'm using as I sit in my jammies in front of my computer, curled-up with a blanket and a cup of herbal tea. It's low-stress, and keeps me from pulling my hair out. The rest of the time, I just rest, and do quite activities like reading every decorating and cooking magazine I've ever saved (and there are a lot of them), or reading books or doing puzzles with the kids. It's all very restful, and peaceful, and I'm doing okay with it.

The docs still haven't identified the exact virus that’s inflicted me, but they say its mono-like in symptoms and duration, and that I should expect it to last at least into December (as a best case scenario assuming I adhere to the whole bedrest thing). And that's the best case. The likely duration is 2-3 months they say. HUH? I'm adjusting to the thought of being sick for a month or more. Hey, give me a break, I've barely gotten used to the idea of Bedrest. Baby steps.

One piece of good news is my mom is coming to cook Thanksgiving here at the house, which will be great, since I surely would have rationalized that as an exception to my bedrest orders (after all it is a national holiday); but with mom here, that won't happen.

The other obviously great news is that Baby Beckham is doing wonderfully, and is growing right on schedule, and moving around and kicking more and more each day. I'm extremely thankful that I can bare the brunt of this pain for both of us. What a relief to not have to worry about his health!

I really appreciate all of the wonderful calls and notes you all have sent checking-in on me, and sending your warm wishes. It's meant a lot to hear from everyone. I looking forward to feeling like my old chatty self, so I can check back in with everyone and catch up on everything I've missed.

In the meantime, I'll try to do a better job of updating the blog as long as its restful to do so, and will gather up the pictures from the last few weeks and get those posted right away. After all, even though I'm sick, for the rest of the family, the show must go on!


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