The Filippini Chickens Have Arrived!!

"Our chickens are here, our chickens are here," shouted Ryder as he tore down the stairs towards the front door. He was so excited he couldn't get the door open fast enough.

They are only 2-days old, and came through the mail, in a cardboard box with holes for air. When we opened the box they were all huddled together in a cluster of downy feathers; chirping nervously. What a ride!
We decided to raise the chickens for eggs, so we selected a variety of breeds that are good layers.

We have them in a box in the house while they are babies, but soon we'll move them outside to a proper pen. For now, the kids are supposed to handle them a lot, so that the chickens are used to people, hopefully making them more friendly when they are older.
The kids and I made some signs that say, "Welcome Home Filippini Chickens" and put them on the chicken's box. So far they are happy in their new home (at least I think so).
The adventure begins!