We got a babysitter on Friday night and headed out wine tasting with a couple friends. It had been a long week for all of us, and it was just what the Dr. Ordered. It came together last minute (those spontaneous outings are often the most fun!). The kids were stoked to get to spend the evening with their friends and the babysitter at our house, and we were all excited to sample some of the "reserves" they were featuring on Friday at the Pend D'Oreille Winery downtown.
After wine tasting we were all starving, so we headed over to Ivano's for dinner. There were 8 of us (4 couples) and when we sat down at the table, the girls ended up at one end, and the boys at the other. We asked the waiter to do separate checks if possible, and he responded, "So am I supposed to guess which two go together?" A good question since we were sitting nowhere near our significant others. "Yes" we said. So he took a stab. He guessed Landy and Karen right off the bat (kinda cheating, 'cause I think he knew them or had seen them there together before). Then he looks at Nicole and me, and Eric (Nicole's husband) and Brice, and says, "The two of you are a couple" (pointing to Eric and Brice)! Ah, the things you deal with when your hubby is a hotty! We all had a good laugh.
After dinner we were walking back towards the car, and someone said, "it's only 10pm - what else is there to do?" We hadn't had any calls from the babysitter (something we should take advantage of!) So we meander into this nightclub down the street called Synergy. We get inside and the place is DEAD. Maybe 10 people, and an EMPTY dance floor. Usually an empty dance floor is an invitation for me to get my swerve on and get others to join me... but this place was just dead. We all sat down at a table near the bar, and just stared at each other. The waitress came to take our drink orders and we all kind of looked around at one another - - it seemed such a shame to go from drinking fine wines in a lovely ambiance to drinking crappy beer in a deadbeat club. Brice was the first to speak up. "I hate to say this out loud, but I think I'm too old for this place." From the mouth of babes (Brice being the youngest in the group)... we were out of there!
When we got home Mazlow was asleep in his crib, and the kids were all snuggled up in front of the TV with the babysitter. Ahhhhhhh.
And a good time was had by all!